Errors and omissions insurance certificate
Clients might ask to see your errors and omissions insurance certificate, a document that serves as proof of insurance. You can access this certificate as soon as you buy an E&O policy, also called professional liability insurance.
An E&O certificate proves your business is insured
As soon as you buy errors and omissions insurance (E&O), also known as professional liability insurance, you'll receive a certificate of insurance. This form outlines important information about your policy. It also provides proof of insurance to clients and others who want to know that you're insured. It can even lead to new business opportunities with larger clients that want to hire a trusted company.
To see what one looks like, review this sample ACORD certificate of liability insurance.
What is a certificate of insurance?
Basically, it's a document that proves the certificate holder is insured. It outlines your E&O coverage and includes information about:
Your company. The certificate identifies your business as the policyholder. You should see your business name and contact information at the top of the form.
Your insurer. A certificate tells clients at a glance which insurance company provided your E&O insurance policy.
The amount and type of coverage. The main purpose of an E&O certificate is to provide details about your insurance coverage. Your certificate will outline your policy limits, deductibles, and other useful information about your policy.
The effective date and policy period. This is especially important for claims-made policies like errors and omissions insurance. These policies only cover claims made when the policy is active, which is why you need to maintain coverage even after you retire.
Your business operations. A certificate might also include information about what professional services your company provides. For E&O insurance, this section shows the work that you expect to be covered by insurance. For example, a web designer is covered for their work on a website, but not for providing legal advice.
Additional insured. The certificate will identify an additional insured entity by listing any other individuals or companies who are covered by the policy.

How do certificates of insurance benefit your business?
Like other certificates of insurance, a certificate of E&O insurance is good for business. It shows clients that you're responsible and can handle a lawsuit. It can also prove you met the coverage limits required for a contract.
It helps you secure contracts. A certificate of insurance shows potential clients and partners that you're protected from lawsuits, which encourages them to work with you. In fact, some clients may require you to carry this coverage before they'll sign a contract with your business.
It provides your clients with peace of mind. Knowing that you're insured means your clients don't have to worry about a lawsuit affecting them. Even if they don't require E&O coverage, they might choose your company over an uninsured one because they know they're protected.
How do you get a certificate of E&O insurance?
Once you buy errors and omissions coverage, you can download a certificate of insurance or request one from your insurance provider. There's no additional cost.
If you're insured through TechInsurance, you can contact an insurance agent or log in to the Customer Portal to get your certificate. You should be able to get it within hours of buying insurance, but contact your account manager if you need to speed up the process.
If you're not insured, you'll need to buy a policy to get a certificate of insurance. Fill out our free online application to get started. Choose from the quotes offered and buy an insurance policy online, then you can download a certificate. A licensed insurance agent is available to help you every step of the way.
The process is the same for the other policies we offer, like general liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance.
Still have questions? Explore our errors and omissions insurance FAQs or ask an agent.