E&O / Professional liability insurance
Learn how to protect your consulting business by understanding the liability risks and taking steps to safeguard your assets.
Professional liability insurance provides financial protection against legal disputes over professional mistakes. Learn more about coverage, costs, and other considerations.
Detecting a data breach is key to mitigating damage and preventing future breaches and cyberattacks.
Working as an independent contractor can be an attractive option for professionals in the IT, media, consulting, and other sectors. But the rewards of being your own boss come with risks. Consider E&O insurance to protect yourself from claims of negligence, work mistakes, missed deadlines, and more.
Large client contracts often require high errors and omissions insurance limits. But can you raise or lower your limits when you land a big contract, or if you're working on smaller projects? Here’s the lowdown on adjusting your errors and omissions policy limit.
An errors and omissions disclaimer can limit your liability in certain situations, which can help you manage the risks of working with clients. But while some disclaimers really do reduce risk, others won’t hold up in court.
Before purchasing errors and omissions insurance (E&O), consider factors such as premium pricing, insurance company ratings, and policy limits.
Learn how to manage your clients' expectations and how to avoid any potential problems that may arise while consulting.
The average premium cost for professional liability insurance (also called errors and omissions insurance) is about $60 per month. Your industry and the scope of your services affect the exact cost of this policy.
Typically, you need to contact your insurance carrier directly when you want to file a commercial insurance claim. But the steps you take may differ based on whether you're filing a property claim or a liability claim.
When you have vicarious liability for something, it means you could be held legally responsible for any resulting harm even though you didn't directly cause it. For example, a tech company could be held accountable for the actions of an employee.
A tortfeasor is a business or individual accused of a tort, which is an act that harms another entity. Torts are often unintentional, but the tortfeasor can still be held liable for damages.
A tort is defined as a wrongful act or omission that harms a business or an individual. They often lead to lawsuits.
Tail coverage is a provision that provides coverage for incidents that occurred while you had your policy, but a claim wasn't filed until after your policy's expiration date.