
Small business insurance

Healthcare professionals rely on business insurance to protect against different kinds of financial losses, from malpractice lawsuits to data breaches and workplace injuries.
Food service
TechInsurance helps you find insurance coverage that matches the risks and requirements of your food or beverage service company. Get free quotes and buy online today.
Consultants and consulting firms rely on a range of business insurance policies to protect against different kinds of financial losses, from lawsuits to fires, data breaches, and worker injuries.
Construction businesses rely on a range of business insurance policies to protect against different kinds of financial losses, from lawsuits to fires, theft, and worker injuries.
Cleaning businesses rely on a range of business insurance policies to protect against different kinds of financial losses, from lawsuits to fires, theft, and worker injuries.
Small business insurance
Compare technology business insurance quotes tailored for your profession. Gain techinsurance that protects against lawsuits, property damage, and more.
Small business insurance

The cost of small business insurance primarily depends on which policies you buy. The most common policy, general liability insurance, has an average cost of $42 per month.

E&O / Professional liability insurance

Also known as errors and omissions insurance, professional liability insurance protects your company from client lawsuits over missed deadlines, mistakes, or negligence – regardless of whether you’re at fault.


Nonprofits rely on a range of business insurance policies to protect against different kinds of financial losses, from lawsuits to fires, theft, and injuries.

Small business insurance

Find recommended policies for your business, descriptions of what each commercial policy covers, and insurance cost estimates.

Small business insurance

Both professional liability insurance and errors and omissions (E&O) insurance offer financial protection from client lawsuits over unsatisfactory work. They’re essentially the same types of coverage for mistakes in professional services.

Business structure

Your startup could be the next big thing. To take your company to the next level and secure your dream by protecting you, your investors, and your team with the right startup insurance.

Business structure

Once you’ve registered as a limited liability company (LLC), your personal assets are protected against the risks of running a business. The next step is to make sure you have the right insurance coverage for your tech company.

Workers' compensation insurance

State laws usually require businesses to buy workers' compensation insurance when they have employees. But even if you work as a sole proprietor, you may still need this coverage.

Small business insurance

Small business insurance provides financial protection against common accidents, liability claims, and damages that could impact your small business.

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