Workers' compensation insurance
The average premium for workers' compensation insurance is about $45 per month. Your exact cost will depend on several factors, including your policy limits, business location, and number of employees.
A workers’ compensation ghost policy is an affordable way for small business owners to attain the proof of workers’ comp coverage they need to qualify for contracts, but it does not provide actual workers’ comp benefits.
Most states require workers' compensation for small businesses that have employees. Learn what this policy covers, when it's required, and other answers to frequently asked questions.
State laws usually require businesses to buy workers' compensation insurance when they have employees. But if you work as a sole proprietor or an independent contractor, you may still need this coverage.
State laws usually require businesses to buy workers' compensation insurance when they have employees. But even if you work as a sole proprietor, you may still need this coverage.
Workers’ compensation, disability insurance, and health insurance pay for medical costs or lost wages due to illness or injury. But what they cover and when they kick in depends on the policy.
Employer’s liability insurance protects business owners from lawsuits filed over workplace injuries. Most workers' compensation policies include this coverage.
Your employees don’t have to do dangerous work to face workplace injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. To protect yourself and your team, invest in a workers’ compensation policy that covers common office injuries.
Workers’ compensation insurance pays medical costs and lost wages for an employee's work-related illness or injury, and protects business owners from liability. It's required by law in almost every state for businesses that have employees.
Workers' compensation insurance covers the cost of work-related injuries. It's required for all Pennsylvania businesses that have employees, including part-time workers.
Workers' compensation insurance covers the cost of work-related injuries. It's required for all Tennessee businesses that have five or more employees.
Regulations for workers’ compensation insurance vary by state. Learn more about workers’ compensation state laws and how they apply to your small business.